Choose LED screen for Conference room, control room
Projectors been widely used in conference room, meeting room in the past 20 years. Brand like Panasonic, LG, Sangsung, etc has large market share in the field.
Along with the LED industry development, the led screen becomes more economy, the higher brightness and easy plug & play functions helps make it popular in conference room and control room.
The LED screen is more capable to make large screens for more audience.
While the conference room or meeting room always need better display effect, the video sources always standard 2K/4K, nowadays even 8K, the whole screen should easily meet the requirements.
So that's why 600*337.5mm cabinet, T series comes for the applications.
Standarization, modulization helps make the stable and reliable output, the cost could also be down for the best of clients.
By using brands LED lamp, IC, etc, it could meet most of the applications.
GOB solution helps easier the maintenance, better protection and display effect.
COB is even better display effect, smaller pixel pitch, more expensive, suitable for high-end applications.
Welcome contact for your led screen project, indoor led, outdoor led, meeting room, control room.
M2LED will do the best for support.